You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Oh how I pray you have friends that will lay down their life for you!!! My deepest heart desire is for every woman to have that sisterhood, that friendship, that bond that unites souls through Jesus! There’s no friend like a friend that loves Jesus! 

Today I needed my friends. My sisterhood of women gathered around me and held me up in prayer as I navigated through some serious emotions. They prayed for me, encouraged me, and continued to check in with me. I’m FOR REAL about to cry right now sitting waiting on my to-go tacos. I want to scream, “I have the best friends in the whole wide world!!!!”. 

If you don’t have friends or even a friend like I’m talking about, please don’t stop praying for that friend, that sister. She’s out there… and I bet you a million dollars… she’s praying for you too. 
This evening I pray you feel the love that never fails, will never run out on you, will never betray you. The only perfect love, the love of our Heavenly Father. I also pray you find that sister or if you’ve already got her (or even a few) hold on tight! Pray with her. I promise it will be the best thing your friendship will ever have!

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

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