This & That

Oh those that just know what they want. You know, that friend or cousin who somehow miraculously knew from birth they wanted to be a teacher, doctor, marine biologist, etc. and they stayed the path and that’s what they are. Those ones. They probably have lived in the same house forever- like their kids get married in the backyard kind of house. They are settled, grounded, content. I am not this person.

I have always wanted to do a million different things. I also really like to start things. Hey, it’s the fun part! I was just thinking, the other day, about all the things I have wanted to do or have done or tried. Here it goes…

Kindergarten teacher, nurse, CNA, wife, mom, medical assistant, wedding coordinator, doula, receptionist, restaurant hostess, Scentsy consultant, pastor’s wife, lactation educator, childbirth education instructor, author, worship leader, It Works! consultant, house flipper, professional party thrower, baker, entrepreneur of really anything, preschool teacher, massage therapist, teacher and preacher, blogger, financial aid assistant community college, esthetician, (I think that’s it).

And, I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! Jeez Louis!

My husband and I were just having a conversation with our son last night about the moves we have made and possible future ones. One thing I do love about the unknown is the trying. We tried. We are trying. How do you know if you don’t try? That was the heart of the conversation. Our children will know the lived out definition of trying. I don’t know if they will just know how they want to spend their adult years or if they will try out to find out. They do have the confidence of “everything will be okay” because, guess what?, it always is. It’s not always easy or fun or pretty, but it’s always okay. I’m not sure if knowing and being settled and carrying out your future focused and on a path already wandered is easy or pretty or fun. I would guess, not always. Either way, I think we all have a little bit of this and that. Some of us figure it out earlier than others. This is the beauty of life. The beauty of new beginnings and old familiarities.

So, cheers to the unknown, to the risks we take, to the steady path, to life itself. I pray wherever you are on this spectrum, that you be you. Don’t settle or shy away from the hard stuff or the risks or the unknown. I’m preachin’ to myself, just so you know…

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