
Not that I need it, but boy do I appreciate a reason to show and express my thankfulness. November is known as the “Thankful Month” and I love it! I decided this year to cut up card stock into 3.25×2.25 inch rectangles in orange, green, red, and yellow. A different color for each of us. Everyday this month we will write one thing we are thankful for and place it in a jar, our Grateful Grandmont’s jar. Yes, it has to be different everyday and it has to be done before we gather for dinner. To be honest, I’m not sure what we will do with them. Maybe read them aloud or put them away with our fall decorations to pull out next year and remember. I’m not quite sure, but I’ll let you know.


Don’t forget.

Traditions, they help us to remember, to not forget. Traveling, hosting, preparing, and gathering. These capture every one of our senses. The smell of pumpkin pie, the sound of the timer of every 20 minutes to baste the turkey, holding the greasy “chicken stick” (aka turkey leg) as I say what I’m thankful for, watching my family just be together, and the taste of mashed potatoes on a fresh baked roll. Of course these just skim the surface. I could go on and on. Traditions remind us where we have been, how much the kids have grown. They bring us to laughter and tears. We tell stories of old, while making memories of new.

Guess what I just realized, seriously, just right now.




This cannot be a coincidence. More on that to come!

This November, I pray John 14:26 over you and me… “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” May we not only remember our traditions and past celebrations, but also what Jesus has done for us. Holy Spirit, I pray you bring to remembrance all that You have said to us.

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