
I’m not sure about you, but when I want to make a change for the better in my life it always seems to come in the form of… LESS. Less bad food, less TV, less caffeine, less shopping. The sound is so negative and depriving.

A few weeks ago I realized I wasn’t drinking enough water which led to the thought I need to drink less of the other beverages I ingest. In that minute I had a moment of such clarity. I just need to drink MORE water. The Lord showed me in my humanness of overcomplicating everything to just drink more water. I don’t need to freak out and go completely overboard and quit drinking the other liquids I enjoy. In the act of drinking more water I will naturally drink less of the others. My body will be satisfied and hydrated and I will by default not crave the others as much. Now, this is still a choice. I have to chose to drink more water.

I felt in my spirit that this applies to so much in my every day life. Don’t think so much about what I need to do less, instead focus on what to do more of. Not sleep less, but have more time during the morning. Not eat less chips and salsa, but eat more fresh fruits and veggies. Not less of me, but more of Him. Not less TV, but more walks and playing with the kids. Not less shopping, but more treasure hunting and repurposing. Not less worrying, but more fixing my heart on what I know is true. Not less frustration, but more restraint and self-control. Not less wishing the past good times were my current reality, but more storytelling, journaling, and catching up with friends. Not less aching for a gathering with those I love, but more sacred time around the table with those I am able to cluster with.

When I do more things that bring my bones to life and sets my heart on fire there’s no room for less.


Jesus, I want more. I no longer want to fixate on what I do wrong and how to not do it. It’s not working. Thank you for Your never ending grace that pours out like a rushing waterfall overwhelming me in the utmost way. You are a God of more. You are a multiplier, not a subtractor.

“I will indeed bless you, and I will greatly multiply you.” -Hebrews 6:14 (HCSB)

The author in Hebrews is reminding the Jewish Christians of the promise God made to Abraham all those years ago. He is a God of blessing and multiplication. He is not a God of bad fortune and decrease. Just as the Jewish Christians needed reminding, so do we. So, if you will allow me, let me humbly remind us that our God is big and holy and the only One of true authority. He is good and honest and the author of integrity. He desires to give us more.

More peace.

More hope.

More joy.

More freedom.

I need more of all of these things, in doubles and triples and beyond what I can imagine. He promises this too.

“God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” -Ephesians 3:20 (MSG)

In my imagination and my wildest dreams it’s never less, it’s always more. And it says He will do far more than that!! Let’s be a people of more. Not only in our own disciplines and internal processing. Let’s be more to those we love and strangers alike. Let’s be more kinder and more forgiving. I know I could use more kindness and forgiveness myself.

Here’s to the movement of MORE. I’m ready. Are you?

2 Replies to “More”

  1. Daughter I cannot express enough of how much your writings touch my life and challenge me in this life’s journey.
    And how everything you share flows from the heart of God. You speak loudly with boldness that reminds us of who we are and also with gentleness that brings peace to a weary heart.

    This world certainly needs to hear the hope that we have in our Savior Jesus.

    And you always bring words of hope and encouragement and truth. And fun !! you make me laugh you make me cry !
    Thank you
    May your cup always run over with more of Him!
    I love you always and forever Mama❤️

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