Milestones of Love

Today is me and my man’s fifteenth wedding anniversary. Fifteen years! It feels like I’ve always been married to him. Honestly, it’s hard to remember a time without him because we have MADE a life together. I was only twenty, him twenty-one when we married. We were honestly just babes. I love this about us. I love this about our story. We fell in love fast and furious. Ready for a great love story?

I was nineteen working as a medical assistant and was eager – oh so eager to find my husband and get married. I know… eager at nineteen… but I was. I even walked with a group of friends, our ages ranging from nineteen to mid-forties. Two of us were longing for our first husbands and the other three were longing for their second and thirds. We called ourselves Women in Waiting. We would walk in the evening and pray for them to come quickly. Then we would often eat good food and greatly enjoy one another’s company. It was a precious time I didn’t know was precious. Okay, I got off track…

I had purchased a spoiler off of Ebay to put on my rad ’95 green Honda Civic and it did not fit. I was obviously upset about this and was venting to my co-workers. One of them was so kind to offer up her ( I didn’t know was handsome & single) nephew as a potential buyer as he was looking for a spoiler for his car. She asked if she could give him my number and I said yes. A few days later I received a call inquiring about my spoiler. Long story short – it was lost at the repair shop I had left it at with hopes the owner would find a buyer for me. As I told him this terrible news, he wasn’t much disconcerted, as he asked me out on a date. WHAT? Sometimes a “bad” purchase can end up propelling you into the greatest adventure of your life.

Two nights later this sexy man is at my door step – our blind date.

Three months later he proposed on my parent’s front porch. Yes! Yes! I said Yes!

Five months later we stood before our Jesus, family, and friends and vowed to love one another in the good & bad, sickness & health, rich & poor.

But my favorite vow we made: to always remain the same in and out of each other’s presence.

This is our love story.

He is my very best friend in the whole entire world. He makes me laugh more than anyone on earth. He brings an ease and safety to my life. He shakes things up and keeps me on my toes. He has my whole heart, every single day. His kisses revive me and his embrace is my comfort. This man is my life’s greatest gift.

What I absolutely can’t get over is how much I still have to learn. Fifteen years is long and it’s short. We both change with the years and these children won’t stop growing! It is positively an adventure, an ever evolving one at that. There are things and ways about him I know – they are staying put – probably forever. Then there are things that shift that I could have never seen coming. Both are treasures to me. We were talking not too long ago and realized in four (school years – we have our own “fiscal year” Sept-Aug) years from now we have some huge milestones. -Twenty years of marriage -We both turn 40 -Our son turns 18, graduates High School, and begins college/career/something adult -Our daughter begins High School and is the only child in our home

Four years is not that long, but a lot can happen in four years – shoot! a lot can happen in a month. It was so fruitful to recognize these upcoming milestones because it brings fresh perspective. We have already come so far and lived so much. We only have four more years with our son before he no longer is “under our roof” – there’s so much to teach him and experience with him. Our daughter will have her four years of having us all to herself. It’s a year of celebrations – we should start saving now because there will be lots of parties.

What I expect from this recent awareness is a hyper-consciousness of the grace, humor, and pure thrill of life. Life is good. Life is hard. Life is abundantly beautiful. I hope you discover milestones. I pray you re-live your love story. It may or may not be with a lover. It may be your salvation story, when you met your best friend, the day you had your child. I have several “love” stories. I pray you do too. Love is a gift not to be taken lightly or for granted. It’s a choice, always. It’s also the greatest command our Heavenly Father has given us.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ -Matthew 22:37-39

Of all my earthly loves Jesus has entrusted me with – Russell – you’re my forever favorite.

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