
We are doing a new thing this school year with our children. We have decided to dis-enroll our high school freshmen son and fifth-grade daughter from the school district we absolutely love (a major deciding factor in our move here to Minnesota) and enrolled them in a Christian online academy. Many of you reading this may very well have done the same thing, finding yourself in a role that you never imagined or desired. It had crossed my mind a few times to homeschool, but nothing caused Russell and I to go for it-until now. No matter your decision for your children’s school experience this year, it was a hard one to make. Each family is unique and needs to do what is best for their home.

With this decision, the opportunity has clearly presented itself to teach our children things we have always wanted to, but just haven’t for whatever reason. Chores have become more consistent and they are improving on them daily. We are working together better than we ever have, learning to forgive quickly, and taking our deep breaths when we are frustrated.

One thing I decided to add to our curriculum (life really) is a Monday Manner accompanied by a Scripture to back it up. It’s definitely a manner of sorts, but it’s a life skill I hope to instill in my children. This is a simple and consistent way to pour into them.

Let me tell you what-I need these reminders.

This week our “manner” is helpfulness. Be helpful! Philippians 2:4 (MSG) says, “Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.”

Instead of being more aware or looking for opportunities to be helpful, I have found myself realizing how much help I do not get. (Insert forehead slap!) This is the exact place the enemy wants me to be. He wants me turned inwards, obsessing with my own advantage. He wants me angry and irritated.

As I have mentioned before, one of my favorite roles of the Holy Spirit is that He is our Reminder. He reminded me of the Scripture and held me accountable. He brought awareness to my emotions. Thank You, Holy Spirit! How I desperately need You. Once I realized what was happening in my own head, I was able to stop and make a choice. I did not want to be angry, irritated, or even worse turned inwards. Ultimately, He helped me. This is the promise Jesus gave us in John 14:16:

“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-“ (NKJV)

When the kids and I were discussing helpfulness, we not only talked about helping others, but also being helped. I had them answer a personal question each day. Two in particular were: How do you like to help? What do you like help with?

Just like listening, I believe help is a gift to give and to receive. I want to be aware of how I can help while also being willing to ask for it. No one is a mind reader-thank heavens so, let’s not pretend they are. Even when we feel that it is 1000% obvious we need help, may we be so humble to just ask without attitude or belittling.

Look at those around you today for moments to lend a helping hand. If you’re on the receiving end, accept it graciously. If you need to ask for it, just do it. Ask. May we be surprised and blessed by a new awareness of what we can offer. It’s simple, beautiful, and truly unforgettable when someone selflessly gives of themselves. Honestly, doesn’t it just make your day when the door is held open for you by a complete stranger? How about when you drop something and a friendly someone hands it to you? Oh my goodness, when you can’t get the computer to do what you need it to and that someone in your life fixes it before you throw it out the window! Let’s switch sides now… You are out shopping and the person behind you in the check out line only has a few things and your cart is full- you insist on them going ahead and they accept with gratefulness. How about the pay it forward in the drive thru at Starbucks when you get to treat the car behind you by paying for their coffee?

SEE! Oh what a gift it is! A pretty easy one too, if we aren’t living inwards.

One Reply to “Helpfulness”

  1. Daughter Once again I am challenged to look inwardly of my heart to what happens outwardly!
    I have had my struggles for sure !
    I am so grateful how you teach the kids truly to love and treat others with kindness !
    It is wonderful , and it does work both ways to give and to receive!
    It’s pretty wonderful to know the Holy Spirit lives in us and will always help us and teach us how to love .
    Matthew 22-37-39
    I love you and I love who you are and I love how you love me ❤️

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