This is Significant

What to do when we don’t like our ordinary everyday life enough to even attempt to make moments sacred?

I can think of so many everyday moments that I chose to see as special. Even if just I realize it or take it in as extraordinary. For instances, when I pick up my daughter from school and that moment our eyes lock and we are so happy to see each other. Or hearing the kids laughing so hard. And when my husband walks in the door and I can’t wait to kiss his lips. These moments.

I don’t claim, ever, to have all the answers. I just want to share what I’ve learned and in turn, learn from you. So, what do you do when the everyday mundane wears on you so heavily that it’s hard to be grateful? Do you ever feel guilty because you’re sad and you really have no reason to be? I mean, sure life is not perfect and we all have areas to learn and grow, but I have a home and food and clothes on my back. I have Jesus. But sometimes I have a hard time pushing through the e v e r y d a y.

It can feel lonely and passionless. It can feel like all the million little things you do are pointless. The other morning I realized I will fix my children breakfast, pack their school lunches, and serve dinner for 22 years. Now, I know many of you reading this will have many more years than that, but the thought hit me while making making breakfast and packing lunches. Sometimes the really important stuff can seem so unseen, therefore we can feel unseen, unappreciated.

So, here’s what I am going to do.

I heard a snip-it from a sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick and he was saying the things that don’t seem significant (like packing lunches) say, “This is significant” as you do it. I’m going to say, “This is significant” and I’m going to practice meaning it. I’m going to show my Heavenly Father that I will be faithful with what He has gifted me.

In the mundane, in the everyday, I will keep on going. I will keep on looking for the moments I can hold on tight to, even if it’s in the midst of my hard. When I feel alone, I will pray. When I feel passionless, I will dance. In the million little insignificant things, I will chose to make them sacred. E V E R Y D A Y is a gift, even when it feels like just another day. I have found, it’s truly all about perspective.

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