three pounds sixteen and a half inches

My first born, my only son, turns fourteen years old today. How can this be?

His life has been an adventure from the very beginning – so let’s start there. This boy decided to arrive early. He came fast and furious on a Saturday afternoon at thirty-two weeks gestation. His daddy rushing in the room moments before his grand arrival and at less than an hour old, he took his first helicopter ride pulling off the oxygen mask because… that’s my son.

He is the most independent child that ever graced the earth. He has always done things his way. He’s confident and stands tall in the skin God created for him. He knows he’s smart (and oh my word alive, he is smart!) and he knows he was created with great purpose. I remember the first time I truly realized he was a leader and had a unique restraint to peer pressure. Kindergarten. Yes, when he was five, the school secretary called me with our son in the office not feeling well. She told him she wanted to take his temperature and he respectfully refused and said, “No, you cannot take my temperature, I want you to call my mom.”. Some may have heard this and thought he was being noncompliant and demanding. I knew at that moment, no one- NO ONE – will ever talk him into something. Please know, I am aware the world is harsh and there may be a day he is fooled or coursed into doing something. But, can I be Mama-honest? I don’t think he will. He’s hard headed beyond belief. I’m thankful for that hard head, that sureness, that unwavering confidence. With maturity, experience, and time this character trait continues to evolve into a strength and a realm of creativity beyond my imagination.


If I only had one word to describe him, I would chose creative. He can draw anything beautifully and effortlessly. He loves to design and sketch on graph paper. He’s a perfectionist in his art and you will find more crumpled up paper than finished pieces. He is an unbelievable gift to me and to this world. I can’t wait to see how his passions and talents morph from just something to do into a way he lives his everyday life. Sometimes people get the chance to live in their gifting-a way of life. I truly believe he will be one of those. And let’s be real, he does not like being told what to do. He may have to be an entrepreneur! That’s the character I know will propel him in this life. He will take this force that’s God-given within him and radically change this world. Sure, I would love if he listened more and was maybe just sometimes compliant- but in the same breath, I don’t. I never want that stubborn confidence to weaken, dim, or eventually become non-existent. I want to water, nurture, and intentionally foster the way that God made him. He is uniquely and wonderfully made and I love everything about him.

His smile – Oh, how it lights up a room and his laugh is nothing short of contagious. His voice is soft and he is slow to anger. When he speaks, he wants to be heard because he doesn’t just talk. He shares what’s important and interesting to him. He loves to have fun, sleep late, and watch funny movies. He’s my favorite boy in all the world and I am honored and take seriously my responsibility to love and be silly with this young man… who by the way has a mustache and is now quite taller than me.

He began as a miracle and continues to be one in the life of our family. He challenges me and I learn from him daily. His compassion for humanity is quiet, but beautiful. He is my layer kid. You think you get what you see, but he is so deep and lovely.

A funny story I just have to share. He was probably about six years old. He says, “Hey mom, you know that lady that works at Grammy’s salon? The one with the eye patch?” I responded, “No, I don’t think anyone at Grammy’s salon wears an eyepatch.” To which he says, “Well, if there was, I bet you she’s a pirate!”. He’s silly, creative, literal, and sees the world very black and white while splashing color all over the place.

Watch out world – this fourteen year old is about to change the atmosphere.


Not that I need it, but boy do I appreciate a reason to show and express my thankfulness. November is known as the “Thankful Month” and I love it! I decided this year to cut up card stock into 3.25×2.25 inch rectangles in orange, green, red, and yellow. A different color for each of us. Everyday this month we will write one thing we are thankful for and place it in a jar, our Grateful Grandmont’s jar. Yes, it has to be different everyday and it has to be done before we gather for dinner. To be honest, I’m not sure what we will do with them. Maybe read them aloud or put them away with our fall decorations to pull out next year and remember. I’m not quite sure, but I’ll let you know.


Don’t forget.

Traditions, they help us to remember, to not forget. Traveling, hosting, preparing, and gathering. These capture every one of our senses. The smell of pumpkin pie, the sound of the timer of every 20 minutes to baste the turkey, holding the greasy “chicken stick” (aka turkey leg) as I say what I’m thankful for, watching my family just be together, and the taste of mashed potatoes on a fresh baked roll. Of course these just skim the surface. I could go on and on. Traditions remind us where we have been, how much the kids have grown. They bring us to laughter and tears. We tell stories of old, while making memories of new.

Guess what I just realized, seriously, just right now.




This cannot be a coincidence. More on that to come!

This November, I pray John 14:26 over you and me… “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” May we not only remember our traditions and past celebrations, but also what Jesus has done for us. Holy Spirit, I pray you bring to remembrance all that You have said to us.

The Turkey!

“The turkey is still in the freezer!” The first thought I had when I woke up this morning. It jolted me to full consciousness as I ran down the stairs to put it in the refrigerator! What a way to start my day. This got me thinking… a turkey jolted me out of bed. Not many things can jolt me out of bed. I’m a deep sleeper and I love it. Not only did it jolt me out of bed, but it kept me out of bed. As many of you, I have much preparations still to make before the beloved “Turkey Day”. I still need to grocery shop, clean my house for company, and finalize my centerpieces. We may not all host, but we all prepare in one way or another. For most, this is the biggest meal of the year. 

Sometimes I think we get down on ourselves too much that it shouldn’t be all about the food. This is a time to be thankful for all we have, not be greedy with this huge meal when others are starving. Yes, I can agree. But, I also beg to differ. I’m going to be honest here… it’s not my favorite food. Don’t get me wrong, I can eat my weight in mashed potatoes and rolls, but that’s about all I like. My favorite part, why I prepare the way I do, is what the food does to us. It causes us the GATHER and SIT AT THE TABLE. It’s the one meal of the year we sit for a long time and talk and laugh and yes, say what we are thankful for. 

I don’t know what your Thanksgiving looks like, but let us take this opportunity at the table to “break bread and eat food with gladness and simplicity of heart” Acts 2:46c.


Legacy… Generation to Generation…
What does this mean to you? 
As we get closer and closer to the Holiday Season, it’s this time of year I think about what traditions we hold dear, what my children will remember, and possibly what customs they will carry on one day. I think sometimes we can idealize legacy with the thought, “If I don’t do something big and super important than I don’t have a legacy.” I know I have thought this and sometimes still do. 

Well, we know the Man who lived the greatest life and left the most important legacy of all, Jesus. I started to really think about His life in it’s entirety. Yes, He gave the ultimate sacrifice, dying on the cross for every sin we will ever commit, tearing the veil so we can commune with Him at all times, and then rose again defeating death, FOREVER. He ascended into heaven and promised to return for us. Every generation to come that acknowledges Jesus as their Creator and Savior is part of this incredible legacy. 

For a moment, lets look into the way Jesus lived His life. Before His big, super important (the most important ever!) moment at the end of His days on earth, He did a lot of “little, mundane” things. He had 12 best friends that He spent time with, ate with, laughed with. He was a faithful Son to His earthly parents and Heavenly Father. He gave His full attention to little children, widows, and sinners. He told stories and fed the hungry. Those whom were close to Jesus and knew Him, they don’t only remember His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection. They remember the sound of His voice, the way His arms embraced them with His hugs, the look in His eyes when He healed people’s broken hearts. 

We get the chance to leave an incredible legacy, just like Jesus did. He is our ultimate example of how to live. Lets laugh with our loved ones, look into their eyes when they have a broken heart, hug them tight… just because. Legacy does not mean changing the world hundreds, thousands, millions at a time. Legacy is our children, our families, our friendships. It’s not being a savior, it’s trusting in our Savior. He did the BIG SUPER IMPORTANT… We get to do the “little”, everyday. I bet if you asked one of Jesus’ disciples what they remember most about Jesus, it would not be His death, it would be something about His everyday, unwavering character. Ultimately, it’s all about love.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:36-39