Thought of the Day

Surprises are everywhere and usually in unlikely places.

I receive an email every morning from my son’s middle school. It contains valuable information about the day’s schedule, upcoming events, and announcements. But, my favorite part…

Thought of the Day.

I have to admit – I don’t read the email for daily schedule (my son knows his schedule), or the events or announcements. I open and read the thought of the day. It’s short, sweet, and always relevant. Here are a few examples. I just have to share!

“Good things are not done in a hurry.”

“It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad.”

“Success doesn’t come to you… you go to it.”

“If I want to improve the world, I can start with my own life.”

“I am responsible for my own well-being, my own happiness. The choices and decisions I make regarding my life directly influence the quality of my days.”

“Life is a big canvas. Throw all the pain on it you can.”

And my favorite so far… “I will take time to smile.”

I could honestly go on and on. It makes my day. I think we need to stop sometimes and breathe in the surprises from the unlikely places. Stop and be thankful for these things that make us smile, think. I have so many times written the thought of the day in my journal so I can look back and read and feel that thought alongside my entries. See the faithfulness of how my God aligned the simple, unlikely thought of the day in a middle school daily email to what He was doing in my life and my heart. Because, see, that’s how much He loves me and that’s how much He loves you. We don’t always see these little lovely drops of love because we don’t take the time or stop and see them, smell them, and then embrace them. His love for us is ALL around us. It’s in the sunshine & raindrops, the sweet & sour, in smiles & tears, hope & the temptation to give up. It’s in the obvious & the mundane, the expected & unexpected.

The hardest part is to take this thought of the day and turn it into my anthem. My life – your life – IS A BIG CANVAS. I’ll be honest where I get stuck… I don’t want to make a mess. Throw paint. HA! HA! You straight crazy! Can you imagine the mess I will have to clean up? No thank you! To change this from a fun cute little thought to my anthem…

Can you imagine how beautiful the canvas will be?

That’s hard. That’s life. How are we going to leave our mark on this world without a mess?

I’m going to leave you with one of my favorite thoughts, or quotes you could say.

“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

I will definitely go into this more. Later. For now, let’s think on this. We may have to make a mess.

Chop Slice Dice

Trader Joe’s. Fresh Herbs. Farmer’s Market. Crisp Vegetables. Plump Fruit.

These are a few of my favorite things. The sounds, textures, aromas. I just love it! I, for real, tell the checker at Trader Joe’s nearly every time how thankful I am and how much I love and appreciate the store. It’s my happy place. And the flowers. Oh, the flowers! I have to say, too, I savor going alone. I can look, read, smell, and contemplate as long as I want to. With my list in hand and senses heightened I am like a hunter in the woods. I am gathering and preparing to nourish my family. It’s the good life.

Channel Islands Harbor Farmer’s Market in Oxnard, California is one of my favorite places I’ve ever been. The gentle harbor breeze, my canvas sac filled with baguettes and flowers, the sweetest juiciest strawberries, and the creamiest avocados ever!

When I get home with my goods, the fun continues. I carefully place the produce in my galvanized tray. Such delight when it’s brimming full! My refrigerated items are organized in their drawer and the dry goods are unpacked into jars in the pantry. Everything in its place ready to be prepared and enjoyed.

You many think I’m nuts or you may be like me. Either way, this is a place I find joy. I pray you have something that brings you joy. I pray it’s something simple. I pray it’s not difficult or expensive. Why? Because you will do it more. This is something I do that is considered an errand, a chore, but because I find such joy is has become sacred, special. I picture our family gathered at the table, making breakfast together on Saturday morning, and preparing the several PB&J’s for the week. Putting those special items my family requested in the cart is a way I can show them I love them, I hear them, and they matter to me.

Find something that brings you joy and DO IT!