Candles & Pizookies & Mac’NCheese

This evening, at our table, it will be anything but ordinary – the youngest member of our crew turns a decade today. Double Digits it is!

I would like to share a little bit of her, with you.

She is one of a kind, in all the right ways. Celebration is her ammo and chocolate her kryptonite. She is fierce and loyal. A born leader. A competitive spirit. She can turn the most mundane into a full on festival! Let me give you an example- this past Super Bowl was the first one we’ve watched just the four of us, (no friends or family) and she did not let that stop her from making it a P-A-R-T-Y! She decorated the living room with signs and footballs. I could go on and on with stories… she’s always ready to have some fun. Needless to say, her birthday will be quite a celebration. Streamers on her door, a banner in the living room, pancake breakfast with her daddy, Chick-fil-A lunch with mom, and her dinner choice this year of sticky asian potatoes, shells and cheese, pizookies for dessert.

She will try anything. She is fearless and I love that about her. She loves people. Her heart beats to help others. This girl ran for 4th grade student council, created a campaign poster, wrote and delivered her speech, and YES, she won! She proudly sings in her school choir, and can’t wait till 5th grade when she can volunteer as a crossing guard before and after school. She wants to be IN IT, whatever that may be. She’s not even remotely afraid to try something new.

I’m not sure what this little lady will end up doing with her talents. She has wanted to be a construction worker, Target employee, professional soccer player, poet, writer, entrepreneur, mascot, teacher. What I do know, is that she is not waiting until she’s a grown up to make an impact on this world. She’s honest, hilarious, and almost as beautiful on the outside as she is inside. Oh, and my oh my, is she feisty! Determined is an understatement. Let me tell you this, too, she just DOES IT! If she wants to create or build something, she just DOES. She doesn’t find an excuse. She will go outside, rummage through her dad’s stuff in the garage, go through my desk and her art supplies, and behold, she’s created something.

Her light is so bright. Her love for Jesus and all people destroys the darkness. She’s strong and absolutely brilliant. She’s a magnetic force of acceptance and inclusion. Laughing is her favorite, preferably over dessert! So, today, we celebrate the gift she is to our family. She’s always ready with a hug, a thank you, a compliment, a helping hand. Thank You, Jesus, for blessing our home with one sweet and sour short stack!

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