Behind the Screen

Hello Y’all! I’m Natalie, and I’m behind the screen. I’m a 30 something blondie who loves Jesus, chips and salsa, hot yoga, Nespresso, and the ocean. I’m married to my best friend in the whole wide world and we made the cutest babies! Well, not so much babies anymore. Our sensible creative son is now 16 and our competitive sweet girl is 12. We proudly live in the great state of Texas and are so happy to call it home! We are the real life example of the quote, “Not all who wander are lost”. (You can find the full story in the Blog titled: One Adventure at a Time)

There’s not much I enjoy more than throwing a party, evenings around the fire pit, a real good church service, and most of all being with my man. I love people, all people. I love to observe and learn and take in. When there’s a moving performance on a TV show, I may be known for clapping, crying, and giving a standing ovation. Yes, in my living room. People are precious and amazing and unique. I really appreciate loud humans, as I am one of them. Game night can get pretty wild around here and we love it! I’d rather stay in any night of the week in comfy clothes with a glass of wine and my favorite people. Oh, and nothing tops a late night dance party in the driveway. Welcome to my house.

What I have come to find is that I need very little to satisfy my soul. Tacos and margaritas, a clean kitchen, dinner around the table, yoga pants, worship music & 90’s hip hop, deep fruitful conversations, and lots of laughter.

I am eager to invite you. Please come, as you are, in a valley, or on a mountain top. What I do know is being invited is an incredible feeling, accepting is scary, but belonging is worth the risk. Accept the invitation, come along with me on this adventure, and lets learn, encourage, and have some fun together! My name is Natalie and it is oh so nice to meet YOU!