A Little of This & A Little of That

Balance. Moderation. Discipline.

Hardest. Thing. Ever.

Why is it so easy to indulge in what is “bad” for us? My daughter just said the other day, “Why is crap so good?”. Of course what she meant by this-McDonald’s French fries and her favorite, ice cream. Yes, these things are crap and yes, these things are delicious. Okay, okay, in moderation they can be beneficial to our souls, because it really is just so good. Enough about fries and desserts. Let’s get into the real reason I’m sitting in the California sunshine typing to you all.


Ha!Ha! Seriously, cake is delicious and one of my favorite things to make. I have shared with you in the past about how God speaks to us in our own language and through the desires He placed in us. Well, He gave me the desire to bake and cook. I was thinking about this today when I was challenged once again with the need to bring balance back into some areas of my life. Our current world situation truly is difficult, but no longer (for me) can be used as an excuse for my over indulgence and lack of discipline. I don’t know about you, but during this crazy year I have, and continue to have, my ups and downs that have taken my routine right along with them. We are going to have days like this, but I want to shake off this yuck of the unknown and begin to thrive.

Back to cake.

God brought to my mind how you bake a cake. You need flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, eggs, milk… you get the idea. These are basic ingredients most cake recipes call for. What if we put 2 cups of baking soda instead of flour, and only 1 Tbsp of flour instead of baking soda? It would apparently not turn out well. It would not be the consistency that we hoped for. It would not be cake! Jesus, gently showed me the areas of my life that haven’t been “turning out well or the consistency I hoped for” was because my measurements have been off.

Alright. Lord, show me where I’m off. Reveal the choices I’m making in flour proportions that should be baking soda amount. Do I add milk or make it dairy free? What makes up my cake? Every morning, may I wake with great expectation. What are we going to do today, Holy Spirit? Guide me to add a little of this and take away a little of that. Balance me out in only the way You can. Help me remember that Your ways are not my ways and it may seem like there’s way too much of something, when actually it’s the perfect amount. Encourage me in the things I know I need to put first. At the end of my day, when I lay my head down, my deepest desire is that you are pleased and proud of my delicious cake.

For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; -2 Corinthians 2:15

I want to be a fragrance to those thriving and those suffering. Jesus, let me see that my daily disciplines extend to those around me. The world needs You now more than ever. Help me to see past the disappointments, my own ups and downs, and to realize what an opportunity it is to live in these days-even though corruption and evil is prowling, yes this is true, but You are good. Let my light shine brighter and my fragrance be even sweeter.

One Reply to “A Little of This & A Little of That”

  1. Thank you daughter as always you touch my heart with the Fathers heart!
    I always am inspired and learn something that betters my life!!
    He truly delights over us and loves us so much and I love how you share our every day love relationship we have with Him how He wants to be apart of every area of our lives He is the master teacher! How amazing is our God.

    And How amazing are you baby girl
    I love you always and forever mama💞

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