
Welcome to The Ordinary Made Sacred. I can’t wait to be friends!

Nurturing my family, forming friendships, gathering around a table, building community, that is what I love. That is what pumps life through my veins, excites me for tomorrow, and keeps me grounded for today. I believe our everyday mundane, the ordinary – lets say, has great power and potential. When our family sits at the dinner table each evening (or on the couch some nights) to nourish our bodies and fill our hungry bellies my greatest desire is to also nourish our souls and fill our hungry hearts. We habitually gather to the table to have our deepest needs met. I love how God created us to need and desire nourishment several times per day. It’s not a one and done kinda thing, it’s a continual pull almost like gravity itself. To be fed is a beautiful thing. To feed is an extraordinary thing. When I do both, my cup runneth over.

My heart in writing is to extend my table to you. There’s always room for one more. There’s always time for another helping, one more glass, one last bite. In this sacred space of the world wide web that I will call home, I pray you laugh, ideas are sparked, and you are encouraged exactly where you are. The table is set. Grab your drink.
