The Turkey!

“The turkey is still in the freezer!” The first thought I had when I woke up this morning. It jolted me to full consciousness as I ran down the stairs to put it in the refrigerator! What a way to start my day. This got me thinking… a turkey jolted me out of bed. Not many things can jolt me out of bed. I’m a deep sleeper and I love it. Not only did it jolt me out of bed, but it kept me out of bed. As many of you, I have much preparations still to make before the beloved “Turkey Day”. I still need to grocery shop, clean my house for company, and finalize my centerpieces. We may not all host, but we all prepare in one way or another. For most, this is the biggest meal of the year. 

Sometimes I think we get down on ourselves too much that it shouldn’t be all about the food. This is a time to be thankful for all we have, not be greedy with this huge meal when others are starving. Yes, I can agree. But, I also beg to differ. I’m going to be honest here… it’s not my favorite food. Don’t get me wrong, I can eat my weight in mashed potatoes and rolls, but that’s about all I like. My favorite part, why I prepare the way I do, is what the food does to us. It causes us the GATHER and SIT AT THE TABLE. It’s the one meal of the year we sit for a long time and talk and laugh and yes, say what we are thankful for. 

I don’t know what your Thanksgiving looks like, but let us take this opportunity at the table to “break bread and eat food with gladness and simplicity of heart” Acts 2:46c.

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