Everything Changes

Everything, yes, everything changes. We change constantly- what foods we like, music we listen to, design in our homes, and even the style of clothes we wear. I mean, come on, could you imagine if we all still had our bangs teased and wore scrunchy socks with high tops? My mom’s asymmetrical haircut! It’s funny too, that when we are in it-the style, the season, the whatever-it’s so cool. Then how quickly it becomes out of date is absolutely crazy! Sometimes-I would even dare to say most times-change is good. Now, this does not mean that change is easy or fun or even desired, but it causes us to see where we have been and where we are going. Think about when you look at old pictures. Subconsciously, we are not only reminiscing, we are realizing how far we have come and what all it took to get us from that old picture to where we are today.

Sometimes, I find myself yearning for the past as if I was able to time travel it would be like meeting up with an old friend and catching up. If I really think about it, I don’t know how well this reunion would go. I have grown and matured over the years so much, I think my younger self may irritate me. Ha! The way I responded at times or how impatient I could be. Even my facial expressions and mannerisms have evolved with the rest of me. Man alive, in many ways, I am thankful for change.

I saw a sign the other day that said, “I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them.” Hindsight is 20/20-right? I recently read something along the lines of, “Don’t let the memories of great times in the past be stronger than the dreams for your future”. That one hit me hard. I think we all are dreaming a little of the way things used to be. In our house we call it the before times. My oh my-how EVERYTHING has changed.

With all this change, our family is making a big move…again. That quote, “Not all who wonder are lost”- that’s our family’s anthem. We can seem as though we don’t know what we are doing or what we are looking for. Can anyone relate? Maybe we don’t. Maybe we just haven’t found it yet. Every move and every change that we have made has been a great growing, stretching, and learning season. It is as though each change is a piece to our puzzle. We just did a 2000-piece puzzle that I thought was impossible. My daughter found it at a yard sale and I was convinced there was no way all the pieces were there. Let me tell you something-EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE. was there. Not only there, but the puzzle was divided right in half into two ziplock bags.

How gently our Heavenly Father cares for each piece of our lives not losing a single one. He holds them all in His arms carefully showing us how they all fit together so beautifully. The weird shapes and big pieces. Little ones that don’t seem to fit anywhere. Then there are those that you know exactly where it goes when you see it because of how clear the picture is. They all matter. They are all needed to complete the puzzle. It’s trusting all the pieces are there and in time they will all fit together. That’s the struggle.

Thank You, Jesus, that we can trust You. Thank You that You hold all of our pieces so carefully. May we see each day as an adventure. Where does this piece fit? Will I get to see a glimpse of the full picture today? Trusting You in this process, remembering that it is a process and that life is a journey constantly unfolding. We need You, Heavenly Father. We love You. We put our hope in You.

One Reply to “Everything Changes”

  1. Daughter I just read your most recent post again and again it has touched my heart it caused me too remember that every day of our lives have been ordained by the Lord
    And in each season like the puzzle it all comes together. I see pieces that are absolutely amazing and beautiful and fulfilling sometimes complicated but always surrounded by the Father his loving arms his peace that surpasses all understanding that he will always be there to guide and direct our steps! I love you always and forever mama ❤️

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