More on Hope

I received the best compliment about my post, HOPE. It was, of course, from my Mama, but it still counts – even though she’s my most excitable reader and loudest cheerleader!

She text me: “Continue to be faithful and obedient in your writings. It causes us to search the Word and search our hearts.”

That is exactly why I write.

My greatest desire, why I decided to participate in the world we now live in – by that I mean technological interactions and relationships – is that you would do exactly that… search your own self and search for yourself.

My Mama also text me a Scripture she searched out herself after being spurred on by reading the Scripture I posted. “Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:5

We can spread this searching like a wildfire! Let us learn from one another in all different ways – face to face, phone and text conversations, online posts, books we read, podcasts – Let’s be known for our anticipation to learn. Let’s be known for our ability to listen. Let’s be known for our kindness in responding. Let’s be known for exploring what others say while filtering it through our own lenses. Let’s be known for welcoming everyone’s story, because that’s just it, we all have a story.

Hope is a lot of things. It’s a rope we grip on to – a desperate prayer we cling to. I also believe it’s something we can seek and find. I believe we can find hope in one another. If I have survived that thing you are in… just maybe you can survive it too.

Search out hope like it’s a hidden treasure, because it is.

Anticipate the good, because there is so much good.

Listen wholly and with your heart while allowing your own thoughts lay to rest.

Explore every single day.

Share the hope you hold – because someone needs it.

I’ve shared in past posts we have moved quite a few times – which means we often have to make new friends. Something I alway tell the kids and I have to remind myself of: “That friend you’re hoping and praying for… They are waiting for you too. They need you just as much as you need them.” It goes the same for sharing our hope. You need to hear from others just as much as others need to hear from you. Send a text today. Call a friend. Share on your social media a piece of the hope you hold. Wildfires, they spread fast and are all consuming!

2 Replies to “More on Hope”

  1. Be still my heart, I adore this incredible message in so many ways!!
    I can not wait to search out hope like it’s a hidden treasure, what a beautiful way to say it!! And what an incredible blessing to share the hope you hold – because someone needs it. Natalie, you are a beautiful gem, with so much Godly wisdom. I am so blessed by your friendship.
    Lots of love,

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